Thursday, February 10, 2011

If it was the other way around!

The other day I was in the southside of Chicago and I saw something I did not understand it was a beauty shop with a sign in the window the sign said, >>>>

Now here is the thing if this sign was the other way around, meaning the word "BLACK" was replaced with the word "WHITE" you would have everyone of our black leaders, and community Activist protesting every morning until the business not only removed the sign but shut its doors and got out of the neighborhood. They would say that the owner was a racist and it was wrong for him to do. What if every business owner started doing that, for example, if the sign read GREEK OWNED , JEWISH OWNED, ITALIAN OWNED, DUTCH OWNED, or even ARAB OWNED how would that work? It hinders me to understand this because we are all in this country trying to make it and accomplish goals whether you want to be the next Mayor of Chicago or the President of the United States or an entrepreneur your race should not matter. What should matter is can and will you do the job or can you deliver on the promises you make. I am not saying you should forget who you are or where you come from, or your nationality. What I am saying is we have to look passed the crap and work together regardless of our nationality or where we came from because we are here now entrepreneurs, business owners, and ceo's are the ones that can change things because they control the flow of the currency.




The other day these two photos appeared all over the Internet and I later found out these individuals are on street corners all over this great country I spotted one on the corner of Route 59 and New york street in Aurora IL, I was very disturbed by what I saw on the Internet and in person. I mean since when do we put our president "of this free country" in the same class as Hitler. I mean this is so bad I don't care if you are a democrat or republican you have to see the wrong in this! I am starting to think that it has nothing to do with health care or any of the decision that the man has made or will make. It seems that it has to do with the fact that he won the election and there candidate did not (wow how messed up is that) it seems it has to do with where he is from and who he is! Look in any contest if its sports, business, or politics once you lose you have to accept it even if you don't agree or care for the team or person that won and you try again next year, or in this case in 4 years and you get your chance to compete again. So why do these people look for any little thing as ammo to discredit or disgrace the president? (The other day there was a report that came out about him dying his hair).See its sad because it is not President Barack Hussein Obama that they discredit or disgrace with these antics it is what the president represent that is discredited or disgraced. It is the symbol of the president that is disgraced and that is more important then the individual. I grew up in the Little Italy/Taylor Street area of Chicago and I have seen many things in my life but this here is by far the worse because America, the United States is a family (well we supposed to be) and any good family will not air out it's laundry because you disagree with a family member you don't put it out there for the world to see, you don't disgrace or tarnish the family because you don't like something. With all the crap that is going on in the world and all the countries that don't care for the U.S we got this cancer that is eating away at us from within. I have search the history books and found that no president has ever come under the microscope more then President Obama I mean not one and in such a short time so WHY?

In closing take a good look at this picture have you ever notice that when a person knows when there wrong they try and hide there identity. Here sunglasses and a cap was used not as covering as a sheet and hood but that's a whole different blog!

And why bring your children to your insaness? but the was done before. "History is reinvented not created"