Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Donating - Interesting, ever wonder where that donation money goes?
Keep these facts in mind when "donating". As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep the following facts in mind; we have listed them from the highest (worse paid offender) to the lowest (least paid offender).

The worst offender was yet again for the 11th year in a row is, UNICEF - CEO, receives $1,200,000 per year, (plus use of a Royal Royce for his exclusive use where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumored to be well over $150,000.) Only pennies from the actual donations goes to the UNICEF cause (less than $0.14 per dollar of income).

The second worst offender this year is Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross...for her salary for the year ending in 2009 was $651,957 plus expenses. Enjoys 6 weeks - fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. This means out of every dollar they bring in, about $0.39 goes to related charity causes.

The third worst offender was again for the 7th time was, Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary (U.S. funds), plus so many numerous expense benefits it's hard to keep track as to what it is all worth, including a fully paid lifetime membership for 2 golf courses (1 in Canada, and 1 in the U.S.A.), 2 luxury vehicles, a yacht club membership, 3 major company gold credit cards for his personal expenses...and so on. This equates to about $0.51 per dollar of income goes to charity causes.

Fourth worst offender who was also again in the fourth spot, for every year since this information has been made available from the start 1998 is amazingly yet again, World Vision President (Canada) receives $300,000 base salary, (plus supplied - a home valued in the $700,000 - $800,000 dollar value range, completely furnished, completely paid all housing expenses, including taxes, water/sewer, telephone/fax, HD/high speed cable, weekly maid service and pool/yard maintenance, fully paid private schooling for his children, upscale automobile and an $55,000 personal expense account for clothing/food, with a $125,000 business expense account). Get this, because it is a "religious based" charity, it pays, little to no taxes, can receive government assistance and does not have to declare were the money goes. Only about $0.52 of earned income per dollar is available for charity causes.

 believe it or not, Ready for this...

I think you might be surprised...

The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 Billion dollar organization. Which means about $0.93 per dollar earned, is readily available and goes back out to local charity causes...truly amazing ...and well done "Sally Anne"
No further comment is necessary..."Think Twice" before you give to your Charity of choice as to which one really does the best for the most - or the least for the most, for that matter.

Don't allow this to stop you from helping people , just be careful!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Symbol of hatred and bigotry! REALLY

The Confederate flag, well let the debate began just last week the NAACP said they will boycott musician "Kid Rock" well here is what they said via there representative " It's a slap in the face for anyone who fought for civil rights in this country," Mongo said. "It's a symbol of hatred and bigotry." Well that is INTERESTING! First of  all it shows you how much time the NAACP has on its hands to take out time to mess with Kid Rock I mean really? To make him the highlight of this debate? come on! it also shows you how much the NAACP is not living up to why it was created, I mean listen I love the NAACP and organizations like it they have helped us all as  people one way or another, no matter what color you are. It has helped us in the past and present and with support it will be here to help us in the future. But if you want to take a stand on the issue of the confedrate flag! well there are people in this country using the confederate flag every day , not just in a concert performance and that I feel is more damaging then Mr. Rock, what about the state paid construction worker who's pickup is sitting on the shoulder (with the confederate flag place large and proud in his back window, behind his shotgun rack) as he is paving our expressways while being paid by the very people that he is pissing off with that flag , Or the 60 plus elderly man who lives in the house on the corner who has the confederate flag in his front yard along with the jockey statue holding a lantern. Hmm, oh yeah what about the Arkansas or Alabama state flags that are obviously a play on the confederate flag. How about the high school in Texas that still has a confedrate flag sitting in the corner of the gym room, or the local Tennessee politician who has a pin on the lapel of his suit that is a confederate flag or the police officer who has a confederate flag key change and belt buckle or the model who posed in a confederate flag bikini, or the Lynyrd Skynyrd logo that is made to show off the confederate flag or the two african american ladies from the south that were at the beach geared up in the confederate flag.See you can't just take how Mr. Rock choose to display his belief of the confederate flag you have to take them all! I myself took a poll and the average 42 something year old  and under that listens to Kid Rock's music thinks the confederate flag means "REBEL" or it shows you got your own mind, your own style and play by your own rules. Hmm, my thought on the confederate flag is this, back in the civil war in 1861 two flags went in the war the one we know today as the confederate flag and the flag we know as the UNITED STATES FLAG! ( Note: it was the first version so it was different looking from the one we use now) and only one flag came out so that means the one that came out is the winner and the other one is the loser so that means the united states flag is the WINNER and the confederate flag is the LOSER!!  On a side note in sports if two teams go to battle and one wins and one loses you don't see anyone displaying the flag of the one that lost or cheering ,we lost we lost yah!!!  So that being said I think showing off the confederate flag is a disgrace! I think it is borderline treason and shows a persons mind set or the lack there of. And it don't matter if that person is black, white or even pink. Because if you don't know what something represent you should learn more about it before you represent or display it, and if you DO know what it represents then that is where the word TREASON comes in mind because your mind set is that of the people who carried the confederate flag in1861 and that mind set is against the people of the united states.

Define: Treason
                         A traitor, acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I was watching TV today and there was this guy talking about this health care thing he was saying how the prez was wrong for his health care bill and that the prez should be put in jail for what he did, far as fighting to get the bill done ,WHAT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT! So lets get this right what the hell was the man supposed to do NOTHING this health care things has been on the damn table since before I was born, I remember my dad saying it was in the news back when he was in high school so to contiune to do nothing is crazy if you don't like the plan suggest something else and talk about it don't sit there like a hard on talking BULLSHIT when you and who was there before you ain't done a thing but talk contribution from the different special interest groups that oppose the bill, Lastly if you are wondering I pay for my own health care and it cost me $500.00 a month and thats real talk.